A Piano Chord: Notes & How To Play It
The A piano chord is a great one to learn and have under your belt. You need to play this chord in the keys of D, A, E and more.
Here you'll learn the notes of the A major chord, the A chord diagram, fingering, inversions, how to play it and more!
The A Chord
If you see an A chord, it means to play the notes A C# and E.
You can play these in any order but I'd recommend keeping A as the lowest note in the left hand.
How to Play the A Major Chord on the Piano
This super quick video goes over the notes of the A major chord in root position, or it’s home base.
I have a very popular chord challenge where you learn 14 very important chords in 14 days. Sign up here for the 14 day chord challenge to join in.
If you see an A/C# chord, it means to play the notes of the A chord (A C# E) but play C# as your bass note. This is the lowest note in your left hand.
If you see A/E, this means to play E as the lowest note or your bass note.
This gives the chord a different tone or emphasis and any time you see a slash chord like A/E, the note that come after the slash is the bass note.
How Is The A Chord Made?
The A chord comes from the A major scale. (Have you tried the scales challenge yet? Scales are a great foundation for learning chords.)
Major chords are made from the 1st, 3rd and 5th notes of the scale. In this case, that's A C# and E.
Which Fingers Do You Use For A Chord
Use the standard chord fingering for root position when playing any major chord in root position - in this case, that's A C# E.
The standard fingering is:
Right hand: 1 3 5
Left hand: 5 3 1
That's your thumb, middle finger and pinkie.
A Major Chord Inversions
Just because we have the notes A C# and E for the A chord doesn't mean we always have to play them in that order.
There are a few other standard positions to learn to play this chord in.
A major chord notes in root position: A C# E
1st inversion: C# E A
2nd inversion: E A C#
(Not sure what inversions are? Learn more about inversions here.)
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Are There More A Chords?
There are quite a few chords that start with A. They are not A major chords but different types.
The following are some of the common ones.
AM7 or A Major 7 chord
The A major seventh chord, generally written as AM7 or Amaj7, has the notes A C# E G#.
A Suspended Chord
The notes of the A4, Asus, or Asus4, a suspended chord, are A D E.
How To Play A Minor (Am) On Piano
The A minor chord, a foundational one you definitely need to learn, has the notes A C E. This is written as Am.
Am7 or A Minor 7 Chord
A minor 7, a personal favourite, has the notes A C E G.
How to Play the A2 Chord on Piano
The A2 chord, a second chord, has the notes A B E.
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Join us for the 3 day piano chord challenge where you will learn a new chord every day for a month.
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Piano chords diagrams show you how to build chords and what notes to use to play chords.
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A chart of piano chords - what notes go with which chord.
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Join the 14 day piano chord challenge and learn a new chord every day! Perfect for beginners learning to play piano chords.
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