Test Your C Piano Chords
Ready to test you knowledge of the C chords on piano? Here we've got all of the main chords you'd find starting with C. See if you can name all the notes of the different types of chords below.
C Major Chord Quiz
C Minor Chord Quiz
C7 Chord Quiz
CM7 Chord Quiz
Cm7 Chord Quiz
C2 Chord Quiz
Csus Chord Quiz
C6 Chords
Cdim Chord Quiz
Cadd9 Piano Chords Quiz
Note: there are 2 keys you could choose here for the root and 9 note. If one doesn't work, try the other one.
Caug Chord Quiz
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Try this Major Piano Chords Quiz
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How to figure out chords from scales. We go over a new main types of chords and you'll learn you can figure them out from scales.
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