Major Piano Chords Quiz
Welcome to the major piano chords quiz! Here you can test your knowledge of the notes in the major chords and see if you've got them straight.
Remember, the major chord is built on the first, third and fifth notes of the major scale.
References (if you need some help):
All Major chords
All Major scales
C Chord Piano Quiz
See if you can select all the correct keys to create the C Major chord.
C # Chord Quiz
The C# Chord Quiz
D Major Piano Chord Quiz
Try this D Major Piano Chord Quiz
Db Major
Eb Major Chord Quiz
E Major Chord Quiz
- Understanding a Major Chord: A major chord is made up of the root (1st), the major 3rd, and the perfect 5th notes of the major scale.
- E Major Scale: The E Major scale consists of the notes E, F#, G#, A, B, C#, D#, and E. You will find the notes for the E Major chord from this scale.
- E Major Chord Notes: Using the formula from the first hint, the notes that form the E Major chord are E, G#, and B. E is the root, G# is the major 3rd, and B is the perfect 5th.
- Finding E on the Keyboard: On your keyboard or piano, the E note is the white key located immediately before the group of two black keys.
- Finding G# on the Keyboard: G# is the black key that is the first one in the group of two black keys. Remember that G# is also referred to as Ab, they are the same note (known as enharmonic equivalents).
- Finding B on the Keyboard: The B note is the white key located immediately before the group of three black keys.
- E Major Chord Fingering: In your right hand, the standard fingering for the E Major chord is 1-3-5 (thumb - middle finger - pinky), while in your left hand it is 5-3-1 (pinky - middle finger - thumb).
- Chord Inversions: Understanding and identifying chord inversions can help you find the E Major chord in different positions on the keyboard. Inversions are the same notes of the chord but in a different order. For example, the first inversion of E Major would be G#, B, E.
F Major Chord Quiz
F # Major
Gb Major Chord Quiz
G Major Chord Quiz
Ab Major Chord Quiz
A Major Chord Quiz
B Major Chord Quiz
- Understanding a Major Chord: A major chord is composed of the root (1st), the major 3rd, and the perfect 5th notes from the major scale.
- B Major Scale: The B Major scale is composed of the following notes: B, C#, D#, E, F#, G#, A#, and B. To form a B Major chord, you need to select the 1st, 3rd, and 5th notes from this scale.
- B Major Chord Notes: The B Major chord is formed by the notes B, D#, and F#. B is the root, D# is the major 3rd, and F# is the perfect 5th.
- Finding B on the Keyboard: On your piano or keyboard, the B note is the white key located immediately before the group of three black keys.
- Finding D# on the Keyboard: D# is the black key to the right of D. Also, remember that D# and Eb are the same note (known as enharmonic equivalents).
- Finding F# on the Keyboard: F# is the black key to the right of the F key. Also note that F# is also called Gb.
- B Major Chord Fingering: When playing the B Major chord, in your right hand, the typical fingering is 1-3-5 (thumb - middle finger - pinky), while in your left hand, it's 5-3-1 (pinky - middle finger - thumb).
Bb Major Chord Quiz
Learn the difference between major and minor chords in: major vs minor chords in piano.
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How to play Ab piano chord with notes, inversions, chord chart, finger positions and more!

More pages that might help:
Start filling in piano chords with these top tips and get your chords sounding fuller and more interesting.
A chart of piano chords - what notes go with which chord.
How to play Eb major chord on piano, the notes, finger positions, inversions, Eb/G, Eb/Bb and more!
How to play the G chord on piano - also known as G major chord . Explainer, note names, diagram, fingering, theory and and G/B, G/D.
How to play Ab piano chord with notes, inversions, chord chart, finger positions and more!
How to play the F Chord on piano, notes, diagrams, fingers, F/A and F/C plus a little theory to fully explain this F major chord.
Join the 14 day piano chord challenge and learn a new chord every day! Perfect for beginners learning to play piano chords.
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Major Piano Chords Quizz Hints
- Basics of a Major Chord: A major chord is formed by taking the root (1st), the major 3rd, and the perfect 5th notes from the major scale. To form the D Major chord, you need to understand this rule first.
- D Major Scale: The D Major scale includes the notes: D, E, F#, G, A, B, C#, and D. Therefore, the 1st, 3rd, and 5th notes of this scale will form the D Major chord.
- D Major Chord Notes: Using the rules from the first hint, the notes that form the D Major chord are D, F#, and A. This is because D is the root, F# is the major 3rd, and A is the perfect 5th.
- Finding D on the Keyboard: The D note is between the two black keys on your piano or keyboard. Locate this key first, as it is the root of the D Major chord.
- Finding F# on the Keyboard: F# is the black key to the right of the white F key. It's important to remember that F# is also Gb (they are the same note, known as enharmonic equivalents).
- Finding A on the Keyboard: The A note is found between the second and third black keys in a group of three black keys.
- D Major Chord Fingering: In your right hand, the typical fingering for D Major is 1-3-5 (thumb - middle finger - pinky), while in your left hand, it's 5-3-1 (pinky - middle finger - thumb).
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