You've made it to the final lesson! After this lesson, you'll have learned some basic concepts in music and piano. After this, you can direct your learning towards what you found complicated or what you found you'd like to learn.
You've learned quite a bit about chords now. This final lesson on chords gives some tips on how to play them.
For the video lesson, go to How to Play Piano Chords.
Now you've completed all of the lessons. There is a lot more free information for you if you want to learn more on this website. We
didn't cover chord theory or more complicated chords. You can also find some beginner music and a list of the best piano books.
If you enjoyed learning online and would like to continue, here are my
recommended places to do that:
A very popular course with lot's of lessons, popular songs and 8 course ebooks.
2. Rocket Piano
More beginner lessons, pieces, chords, a complete online piano lessons course.
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Nov 20, 23 10:21 PM
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Oct 09, 23 09:23 PM