Piano for Kids: 
Tips for Getting a Good Start

Piano for kids can go great or ... not. Honestly speaking. Some kids seem to be born musical. Others really need to work at it. Others are in between.

No matter which way your child is, there are some things you can do to get a really good start in piano lessons. The better the start is, the better the continuation will be.

Building confidence in the beginning can be a tremendous help later on when piano requires practice, determination and understanding.

Piano For Kids

How to Get a Good Start:

1. Find the Right Teacher
2. Develop a practice schedule from beginning (and stick to it)
3. Get a lesson book with a theory book
4. Listen to them play 
5. Encourage piano games for quicker learning

How to Find the Right Teacher

Talk to people you know who have a piano teacher. Ask abou the teacher's flexibility, their specialty, what the students like the teacher, etc. 

Look online. If you find some listings of piano teachers in your area that's good. If they have a website, even better. It means they are serious about teaching and it's not just a part-time job.

Look at notices in grocery stores and around town. Many piano teachers advertise using community bulletin boards.

The Practice Schedule (Piano for Kids)

Many parents leave the practicing up to the kids. Some kids are fine and love to practice. Others really need encouragement to practice the more difficult pieces.

Set up a schedule for at least 5 days a week. Choose the time and how long the practice should be. Make it part of the everyday routine.

For beginners, kids only need to practice 15 minutes a day. This 15 minutes goes a long way in helping them learn faster and more effectively.

Get a Theory Book

Talk to your child's teacher and ask them about getting a theory book to accompany the lesson book. There's a good chance that the teacher will suggest one to begin with. If not, ask for one.

Many beginner books have sets of lesson and theory books that go together. For an idea on what books are really great for kids, visit the best books for beginners page.

Listen to Them Play

Kids get really encouraged when they feel that what they are doing has meaning. Listening to them and telling them that you enjoyed what they played is a great boost to confidence.

Sometimes I think that one reason kids love piano lessons is because they have a captive audience - the piano teacher. It makes them feel special. If a parent listens even once in a while for a minute or two, kids love it!

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